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Monday, 25 June 2012

The merger of North and South Tipperary County Councils

The ‘White Paper’ on local government reform is due at the end of the 2012. This paper will recommend the merger of North and South Tipperary County Councils. However from what I see the advantages of this are far outweighed by the disadvantages. Most councillors are in disagreement with the proposals including North Tipperary Mayor Councillor Michael Lowry (Ind).

The arguments against the merger are there there will be fewer Electoral Areas and Councillors, town councils would be abolished, would create ‘regional government’ instead of ‘local government’, the €16,500 council salary will remain unchanged and the costs of implementation. All this to save a small amount of money by reducing the number of public sector workers.

Read this interesting article from todays Nenagh Guardian on the merger proposals.

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